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What's it like to travel by plane for the first time? Little flyers are in good company with Maisy leading the way. Maisy is going to visit her friend Ella, and she is taking a plane to get there. She's very excited! Join the mouse as she checks in at the airport, finds her seat (by the window!) and makes some new friends on her flight. From the whoosh at takeoff to waiting in line for the bathroom, from buckling seat belts to arriving in a whole new wonderful place, flying is more fun with a friend like Maisy on board.
What's it like to travel by plane for the first time? Little flyers are in good company with Maisy leading the way. Maisy is going to visit her friend Ella, and she is taking a plane to get there. She's very excited! Join the mouse as she checks in at the airport, finds her seat (by the window!) and makes some new friends on her flight. From the whoosh at takeoff to waiting in line for the bathroom, from buckling seat belts to arriving in a whole new wonderful place, flying is more fun with a friend like Maisy on board.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Lucy Cousins is one of today's most acclaimed author-illustrators of children's books. Her unique titles fascinate babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with their child-like simplicity, bold outlines, and bright colors. The engaging adventures of characters such as Maisy reflect the familiar experiences that young children have every day. "Maisy does things that children all over the world do," Lucy Cousins says of her superstar mouse. "The way she dresses, the way she acts, are typical of children all over the world." With Maisy appearing in more than one hundred books as well as her own TV show in the U.S., Lucy Cousins continues to create new characters. Where does the prolific author-illustrator—mother of four children—find the energy? "I'm quite disciplined," she says of her productivity. "If I´m having an 'ideas' day, I just sit at my desk and draw and write until I feel something happening—though I admit that this is usually helped by a cup of tea, some lively music, and an abundance of sunshine." As for outside inspiration, she says she's sometimes influenced by the work of other artists, especially if those artists are children. Says the author-illustrator, "I get more pleasure and inspiration from walking around a primary school than from any art gallery." Lucy Cousins lives in Hampshire, England.
September 1, 2015
PreS-The latest Maisy book describes the beloved mouse's first plane trip. Through simply stated text with a friendly tone, readers' journey along with Maisy from check-in, boarding, and finding a seat to buckling seat belts, holding the hand of a nervous friend, and taking off. Finally, after they soar through the night, it's time for "Touchdown! The plane gives a little bump and a jump as it lands." With its trademark bright, saturated colors, black outlines, and flat illustration style, this title is ready-made for the preschool set and will help prepare for a first plane trip, or serve as another reliable transportation title. VERDICT A solid addition to the series.-Ramarie Beaver, Plano Public Library System, TX
Copyright 2015 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
July 1, 2016 Maisy and friends split into two teams for some good-natured competition, including a sack race and tug-of-war (Field Day). Preschoolers ride along with Maisy, from check in to baggage claim, in Plane. The stories are slight, but they're not the point. The books give young children basic information about unfamiliar situations. Cousins's bright art is reassuringly familiar.
(Copyright 2016 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)
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